Friday, February 27, 2009

Drumroll Please...

If you've been wondering what this world is missing, I might have just figured it out... and the good news is that it is only two years from becoming a reality.

I'm not talking about the end of this current recession, free wi-fi or flying cars... I'm talking about something much more exciting. Something that will make everyone more happy to be alive. I'm talking about a movie. A long awaited and much anticipated movie of epic proportions. A movie that will undoubtedly receive critical acclaim and numerous awards before it's run is complete.

You may be asking yourself, "What the hell do you mean? What movie could you possibly be talking about?" Well... if you've prematurely glanced at the picture below, you probably already know what I'm talking about... but if not, the movie I'm referring to is none other than....


The beloved television show created by puppet-god Jim Henson is becoming a major motion picture that is slated to release in 2011. The movie will involve the Fraggles leaving their rock and finally making contact with the human world.

There aren't too many details at this time, but just knowing that a Fraggle Rock movie is in the works is enough to excite the hearts of every child from the 80's.

Moving Day Cometh and Wenteth

It has actually been a week since we moved into our new home, I have just been extremely busy with moving, cleaning, decorating, working, sleeping and eating and I havent' had a chance to write a new blog entry in a while.

Well I'm back to report that everything went ok. The majority of our sh#@ has been moved, and most of it stayed in one piece (r.i.p. wall mirror.)

We are getting new carpet for two of the rooms, so we haven't been able to set up our bedroom set, and we are also waiting for our couch/loveseat to be delivered, which won't be for a couple of weeks, but besides that, we're in good shape.

Ok, that's the update... hope you were as entertained reading it as I was writing it. I'm sure I'll be back soon to post another nonsensical entry about some random foolish thing that pops into my head at the time. See you then.


Does anyone remember the show Today's Special? It was a weird kids show about a department store after hours and it had a mannaquin that comes to life and a bunch of puppets. I used to watch it when I was little, but no one that I work with seems to know what the hell I'm talking about... I know it's real because I looked it up on google and found the picture you see to the left, but did anyone but me ever see it? hmm...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New Pennies... who gives a $#%*

Exciting news came over the wire today stating that the U.S. Mint will be producing new pennies, which will somewhat chronicle the life of Abraham Lincoln, who spent most of his after-life, engraved on the penny's face, which actually isn't a "penny" at all, it's a 'one cent' piece, but no one seems to care or pay attention to the difference. The fact is, a penny is a Canadian one cent piece, which is actually called a "penny," where as the American "penny," is called 'one cent' as it clearly states on the back of a penny... I mean a one cent piece... so go ahead take a look, you'll see.

Anyway... As we quickly reach President's Day, the government is going to be producing new 'one cent' pieces to celebrate the long life of Abraham Lincoln who is now about 200 years old.

Along with new quarters for every state, and new dollars with weird colors and new credit cards that are to be surgically implanted in customers' hands, it's looking a little more odd in America than it did yesterday.

Hell, I remember when money was green, and spare change was gold and a soda only cost a dime plus you got free cocaine in em, and video games were 2 bits, and newspapers were given out by poor children on street corners and giant lizards stampeded our villages from time to time, breathing fire and eating friends and families as they continued their rampage... ah, those were the days.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Moving Day Cometh

As you may or not know, I am soon moving into my first house with my wonderful fiancee Jen. Moving Day is only two weeks away, and as I look around, I have only one box packed... the Cowboys stuff.

I still have to pack my movies, lights, clothes, game systems, tvs, surround sound, chairs, music equipment, books, tables, bags, papers, pens, mugs, food, cameras, discs, posters, tapes, candles, medicine, soap, deodorant, pillows, blankets, flashlights, decorations, cables, adapters, shoes, doritoes, jars, scale, night-lights, desk, hard liquor, towels, q-tips, toothbrush, razor, pictures, etc, etc...

I do admit to being one of those people who finishes his shopping on Christmas Eve but I really should get moving on this whole moving thing before the time arrives and I'm stuck scurrying like a rat. Trouble is, I just don't know where to begin in this heap of forgotten items.

I have about 12 tons of crap that will probably end up getting thrown out, but it's just such a huge task to wrestle, I am hesitant to begin. Any second now I'm sure that I'll finally hop to it and grab a trashbag and start digging around, but for now I can't picture myself moving a pinkie.

Ok ok, so as it seems that I'm about to give up and call a moving company, the magic of the written word strikes again as we jump into the future. I did indeed finally get off my ass and dig through my storage room. I've removed everything belonging to me, minus two heavy crates filled with old vhs tapes, I'll figure that one out later. It's a miracle that I've managed this much, but after such torturous work, I must take a rest. Tomorrow is another day, and an opportunity to go through all the stuff I've pulled out of the room... step 2 1/2.

Friday, February 6, 2009

iWant an iPhone

I like my phone, it's a great phone, it's the Motorola Z9, which is basically the Razr in the body of a slider. It makes calls with great clarity, I can access the internet (somewhat,) and there's a pretty good camera in it. It really should be all I'll ever need.

The problem is, I want more... I want full html internet access and GPS and helpful applications and bigger storage and WiFi and touchscreen and and and... well basically what I really want is an iphone.

Yes, the iphone, 2007's greatest invention, and one that has now paved the way for countless imitations. It is truly a remarkable piece of equipment that goes beyond what a phone was ever thought to be.

The 'apps' that you can get from Apple are almost enough to sell the device alone, but everything else works great too. It's a good phone with good clarity, the camera is just as good, if not better, than my Z9 and the full html internet access would allow me to finally see all those websites that I currently cannot on my phone.

Not to mention the interface, which puts everything in front of you with the push of a button...uh, i mean, a push of a screen. Accessing your calender, or youtube video or a best friends' phone number has never been so easy. Geez, I want one...bad!

So, ok I've established that I want one, but why don't I have one? Well, it's a financially tough time right now and I am currently moving into a new house. On top of that I am getting married in a few months. The timing just isn't right.

The sign of hope on the horizon is actually due to all the imitators. The price of the iphone, which initially retailed for about $600 is finally coming to a reasonable price tag of about $200. It's still a bit more than I can spend right now, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it and bitching about how I don't have it.

I'll have to re-evaluate my financial situation after a couple of months in my new house, hopefully I can manage a few extra bucks and finally get my hands on this magnificent technology... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

It's all over the second we ride up "Troy's bucket..."

Welcome to the very first blog that I've ever made since the last one when I made my other first blog a while ago before.

No, no... you don't have a reading disability, I really did just type that. It's me, not you... honest!

But, anyway... My other blogspot blog ( has been a huge success for me and has received wonderful feedback from all corners of the globe. It has been massively profitable and has etched a large cult following in 11 of the original 13 states.

Ok, ok... I'm lying. I don't think anybody's ever read my Dallas Cowboys blog in the 2 years I've been posting on it, and I doubt anyone will read this blog either, but why let something minor like that stop me from doing what I sort of enjoy.

The main focus of this blog is to not have a main focus. The Cowboys blog is very restrictive and narrow in it's topics, but here, at "Raw Coffee," I can be free and post all of the random genius thoughts that flow through my mind.

I will ramble, I will not always make sense, my sentence structure is pretty poor, I'm not original, I'm very boring, I never properly learned how to spel or tipe and, as you can surmise, I'm very rarely serious, so please don't take my writing too seriously... you have been warned.

* 10 bonus points and a star sticker to whoever can tell me where I got the quote for this post's headline*