Monday, April 18, 2011

6 iPads

At last count, I had bought 5 different iPads since March 2010. I can now add one more to that total. I was finally able to find an iPad 2 for my wife (as an Easter gift.) The funniest thing about it is the iPad I got for her is a White Verizon 32 GB, which is the exact same model, color and carrier that I got for myself on the iPad 2's release weekend (which I took back because I wanted black.) So suffice to say, almost everyone in my immediate family now owns an iPad. We were joking around that we should get together on Sundays to have an iPad Roundtable at my Mom's house, and although we laughed, I'm starting to think that might be a good idea. I'm definitely down to do it because it sounds fun and educational. Will let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Too Many Words

Looking back through some of my old blog posts I realize that I type too many words and don't post enough pictures. People can tolerate some words, but overall they just want fascinating pictures and quick little blurbs. I'll have to start doing that more.

This is a cartoon picture of a laughing hyena. ha-ha... yes, very funny.

The perfect Waitress.

Umm... that's all I got for now. Whatever.


Recently it seems that 3D Films (and to a lesser extent, TV,) has really gone from fad to mainstream. Anyone over the age of 30 probably remembers when a slew of horrid 3D films sporatically came out and everyone donned those blue and red glasses. The effects were pretty neat for the time, but it was simply a fad.

Nowadays, technology has given 3D new life, we now have glasses that moreso resemble sunglasses, and the 3D effect is pretty awesome. Director James Cameron has recently stated that he believes 100% of movies will be 3D within the next 5 years. If the technology becomes such that we don't need glasses (and that is already becoming a reality, i.e. Nintendo 3DS,) then maybe there is a chance that everything will be shot in 3D.

I have not totally embraced all of this 3D entertainment just yet. I have seen a couple 3D movies and yes, I enjoyed them, but then again, I have seen thousands of 2D movies and enjoyed those just as much. The higher ticket prices for 3D movies vs. 2D movies is a huge factor that keeps me away from the theatre, and I don't particularly like watching movies with sunglasses on.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the next step in entertainment... we went from silent black & white films, to audible black and white, to color, to better color, to HD and now to 3D. As James Cameron believes, 3D could very well be the next step for films and television, but I am not in a big hurry to buy a new TV and start wearing glasses whenever I sit down to watch some Two and a Half Men, or Football. Maybe that's just me though.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Take on Wendy's New Fries

I am very critical when it comes to fast food french fries...I am picky about fries in general, but since I eat fast food fries more often than any other fries, I keep my standards high.

Before Wendy's adopted these 'new' fries, my favorite fries were McDonalds at #1, Wendy's at # 2, Chick-Fil-A's waffle fries # 3, Arby's curly fries # 4, and as for Burger King...well, I never liked them anyway.

Last month or maybe two months ago, Wendy's decided that they wanted to do these 'natural-cut' made of 'russett potatos' and seasoned with 'sea-salt' fries that were radically different than their previous fries. The change was sudden and unexpected.

At first, I thought this sounded kind of interesting and figured that these would be in addition to the regular fries on the menu, but when I found out that these were totally replacing their old fries, I got worried...and for good reason.

When these fries made their debut, I went out of my way to stop by Wendys so that I could try them out. I found them to be a bit greasy and over salted. They weren't as bad as Burger King, but they weren't good. I tried them again about two weeks later with similar results.

Wendy's was attempting to emulate a 'boardwalk fries' taste with their sea-salt and natural cut, but alas, they are far from boardwalk fries and even further away from their original fries which were perfect.

I just don't get it... As far as I could tell, there wasn't anyone complaining about Wendy's fries. They weren't nearly as good as McDonald's fries, but they were pretty darn good. I can only hope that the public realizes these fries aren't good and demands that Wendy's brings back the original recipe, until then they are second to last on my list of favorite fries.

**Note** The word "fries" was used 20 times in the previous blog-post