Monday, October 7, 2019

13,870 Days and Counting

Another Birthday has come and gone... 38 years old, that's sort of a long time. Hard to believe at times, but it is the truth.

Anyway, had a nice little birthday, nothing too exciting, Mom made Chicken Pot Pie, which was delicious!! Nice little Coconut Custard Pie thrown in the mix for desert! MMM!

Jen shocked me the most, she ended up getting me a Nintendo Switch... out of nowhere, and I had no clue how she even knew I wanted a Switch, but she is amazing, I was blown away. She also got me Zelda: Link's Awakening (Remastered) which has been a blast playing through, and better believe I already downloaded and have been playing and creating worlds in Super Mario Maker 2. Such fun!

Great times all around. Dad had his birthday Saturday, which was nice, and the rest of the weekend was being dissapointed by the Cowboys as well as by my Fantasy Teams... ugh... Oh well, there's always next week. I did survive in the Survivor Pool though, so I got that going for me... Jen is still kicking too, we're down to 17 people (the initial amount of 'survivors' was around 72, so not bad odds!) Oh also, did a bit of music over the weekend too, I have some really good sounding music that is coming along nicely... just need to structure it, write lyrics, record and release the kraken.

Only other thing to speak about is a bunch of movies I want to see... including (but not limited to:) It part 2, Baby Driver, Joker and a couple others which escape my mind currently. Do also want to catch up on some missed TV, like the Wu-Tang Drama series, the Wu-Tang Documentary, Stranger Things and a couple other shows like Black Mirror and I believe Rick and Morty are coming back with season 4 pretty soon, which sounds like a great excuse to go back and watch the first 3 seasons all over again.