Tuesday, April 10, 2012

GTA V in October 2012?!?

A Scottish Character Animator for Rockstar Games who was working on GTA V may have let it slip that the game's release is due this upcoming October. Whether this is true or not, only time will tell, and with Rockstar themselves being hush hush, it's hard to say if this seems credible or not.

We did already get the first trailer, that's a step in the right direction, but Rockstar is releasing Max Payne 3 at the end of May... and apparently they do not normally release two big games in the same year, so that may be a step back. October is usually the month that GTA games are released, with the exception being GTA IV (which was orginally scheduled for October, but delayed,) this could be a good sign. Also, the next next generation consoles are purported to be released in Fall of 2013, which means if GTA V was held back until next year, they would either be cutting the life of the game short since new consoles would be released, or they might actually be making this game for the new consoles... but that's less likely since it appears the game is largely complete already (judging by the trailer.)

In my opinion, it makes sense that it will be released October of this year, I imagine that they are holding off on releasing too much information until early June, after Max Payne gets released. I doubt they want to cannibalize any of their products, so this seems logical to me. This would give Rockstar a good 5 months to whet our appetites with trailers and promotion.

I'll be crossing my fingers!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter

Earlier in the year I talked about how excited I am because they will be releasing HD remakes of the Leisure Suit Larry series... starting with LSL1 and eventually going all the way up to LSL7... well, they must have hit a bit of a snag when trying to find a backer that was willing to fund this project, and now it is seemingly, in the hands of the fans.
That's right folks, Replay Games has extended an invitation to anybody and everybody willing, to throw some money into a Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter campaign. They are requiring $500,000 in donations due by May 2nd, in order to make this remake a reality. The good news is that they are almost halfway to their goal already ($233,000 as I write this,) with about 21 days remaining. Here is the link if you want to donate!


They have tierred rewards for various amounts of donations that fans make, and so far, I have donated $15 which is the minimal, but will entitle me to a free copy of the remake when it is released. The futher up the donation ladder you go will get you things such as a huge LSL remake art book, the ability to beta-test the game, and for those with a lot of cash to blow (we're talking thousands,) you could even have your name included in the game, or maybe even your dog.

I am crossing my fingers and toes that they do get all the funds they need to make this game a reality and I hope it does well and that they do indeed end up remaking the entire series.