Monday, August 23, 2010


How could I let this happen yet again?! I was deliberately trying to avoid this, but somehow it seems that Monday has come back to test my patience once more. I thought that I had finally figured out a strategy to avoid this horror, but alas, for what seems like the past 1,484 weeks in a row, there is another Monday just sitting there, waiting for me.

It seems as though it's always there, I could practically set my watch to it's predictable nature, but week after frustrating week, there it is... Monday. It also seems to strike when I least expect it. I will be enjoying my time for almost 72 hours, not a care in the world and then before I know it, BOOM, there's Monday, mocking me and forcing me back into a rigid and lackluster schedule. Why God?! Why are you cursing me?!

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't happening every single week without fail. I don't understand why it can't miss just one week, take a break, mellow out, come back on Tuesday maybe, but no, it's always there... ALWAYS!

Oh well, there isn't much that I can do so I'll have to learn to deal with it. Hopefully Wednesday will give me a break this week, it's the least I can ask for.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Death Before Dishonor

Hey Ya'll...

Remember how excited I was when I first got my iPhone and I started up a whole blog about it and all that jazz (of course you don't)... well, regardless if you remember or not, I'm killing the iPhone blog because I'm bored with it and it just plain sucks. I have to simplify things in my life and having some boring ass blog that sucks and I don't care about anyway is a waste of my time and patience... so there. R.I.P. iPhone Blog, it wasn't fun.