Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Journey to the Land of TV Hell

Once upon a time, far from the harsh realities of life, I lived in a magical kingdom called My Parent's House, in which the food was free, the laundry was done and the television was DirecTV.

With this immaculate satellite dish came hundreds of channels filled with beautiful HD picture and amazing exclusives such as the NFL Ticket and the NFL Network, which was available to all customers regardless of their choice of programming tiers.

This wonderful arrangement lasted a long time and inspired happiness and tranquility... Unfortunately as it seems, nothing lasts forever.

I recently moved out of the "magical kingdom" and I was presented with the television options of DirecTV, Dish Network or Comcast Cable. So began the hunt.

I figured in many things during my search, such as channels I required, installation hassles and pricing but for some strange reason, I decided to go with Comcast Cable. This was mostly due to the easy installation and lower price.

In hindsight, I must have been drunk, as I didn't factor in that the NFL Network was on a separate 'sports tier' which costs an additional fee per month. (And if you can't tell by now, the NFL is very important to me.)

Now begins a sad tale of problems and sacrifices.

Since having Comcast installed, I dreaded it. It was necessary immediately that the installer return twice to my home to fix problems with either the DVR Box or the internet, which still gives me occasional problems.

I also had to forgo the NFL Ticket, but that isn't as much of a problem since the financial aspects of owning a home do not bode well with paying $300 for something I could see for free at every local bar.

These were problems I was beginning to live with. I bit the bullet and ordered the 'sports package' so that I could view the NFL Network. All of the DVR problems were fixed and I can actually enjoy the On-Demand features of Cable... but alas, not more than three months of this service had passed when very troubling news erupted.

It seems that the NFL Network and Comcast Cable are at odds with each other and cannot seem to come to an agreement. As it turns out and pending a very, very, very last minute resolution, Comcast Cable with no longer be offering the NFL Network to anyone, regardless of having a 'sports package' or not.

This is the final straw in a flurry of problems I've had to deal with since I signed up for the service.

May 1st is the effective date that Comcast will cease broadcasting the NFL Network, so I will actually wait until then to see if a resolution is made. If they do indeed remove it from their lineup, I will be making a call on May 2nd to Comcast and cancel service at which time I will also place a call to DirecTV to set up installation.

It has indeed come to this, so I warn all, do not... I mean DO NOT subscribe to Comcast Cable!! The customer service is lousy, the customer website is horrid, and now this!! It is a huge blow to all Football fans who happen to subscribe to Comcast.

The only saving grace is their On-Demand feature, which is pretty cool, but even with that you are only given a shit pile of free movies that I wouldn't watch unless I was forced to in Clockwork Orange style...

My final word... FUCK 'EM!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

From the Desk of Samb

Hello all, how goes it. This blog post is being written on my fabulous iPod touch from a blogging app my friend recommended.

Pretty neat application and it means that I can post more frequently... Well, in theory anyway, we shall see if I actually follow through and post more (I doubt it.)

Anyway, this is a short post because I just wanted to try out this app. See ya suckers!