Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Tale of 5 iPads

When I think back to my personal experience with the iPad, I almost find it ridiculous to think that I have actually owned 5 different versions in just a year. Here's the long story of how I came to own so many iPads...

When the iPad was first announced, I hesitated buying one, but when more and more information came out, I found myself wanting one badly. The actual day that the iPad was released was a Saturday and I couldn't help myself, I drove to Best Buy and bought one. This would be iPad #1.

My first iPad (which was named 'Silverback') was a 16GB wifi-only. The first batch of iPads were all wifi-only and the 3G models were expected to be released about a month later. I had a lot of fun with Silverback, and it was a whole new way to compute. I soon realized that even though it was amazing, I wanted the 3G model so I sold my iPad to a co-worker and decided to wait until the 3G iPad was released.

My second iPad (named 'C3GPO') was a 64GB 3G model. After I sold my first iPad, I was having withdrawal and couldn't wait until the 3G iPads were released. Once the date was set (which was a weekday at 5pm,) I decided to take a day off work and wait in line at Best Buy. I was probably 11th in line by the time I got there and stock was limited... I initially wanted a 32GB 3G iPad, but only 64GB was left, so I bought it immediately (thankfully, I found out that the 64GB was essential for me.)

C3GPO was my main iPad until recently. I used it every single day, even when I was on vacation and at work. I will never forget the time I spent with it. This was truly the device that started a new era in computing and I'm glad I was around to experience it first-hand.

Along comes 2011 and as is tradition for Apple, a new model of iPad was expected to come out. Steve Jobs officially announced the iPad 2 in early March and although it didn't have revolutionary changes, it offered a lot of nice upgrades. Speed and memory increases, a camera in front and back, white & black models and a thinner design were what made iPad 2 special, these differences were enough to make me want one.

I recently started a new job, so it was going to be impossible for me to take off work to wait in line on the release day of iPad 2, and once again the time of release was 5pm on a weekday. I worked until 5pm so I knew that it would be hard for me to get one, and sure enough I went to 5 different stores after work left empty handed. Some of the stores did have it in stock, but it wasn't the exact model I was looking for (Black 64GB 3G AT&T,) so I decided to keep trying.

The next day, I decided to drive 40 minutes away to Lancaster, PA (the nearest Apple Store,) and try my luck. They actually did have an iPad in stock, a white 32GB 3G Verizon model. Unfortunately this was almost the exact opposite of what I wanted, but with the last available iPad staring me in the face, I found the temptation was too much to take so I bought it regardless of the specs (and named it 'AlbiPad.') I figured that the white would grow on me, the 32GB would probably be enough and Verizon was just as good as AT&T. This would all turn out to be a mistake.

First, the color was unbearable. I tried and tried to appreciate the white bezel, but I just couldn't. It just didn't feel right having a white iPad. I understand that the original iPod was white and it worked fine then, but it just didn't look good to me on the iPad.

The second issue was the size. 32 GB could be manageable for most people, but not for me. My first (well, second...hehe) iPad was 64 GB and I think I only had 5 GB free by the time I got rid of it. I needed 64 gigs for all of my movies, tv shows and comic books.

The final deal-breaker was Verizon... I understand that Verizon technically has better coverage than AT&T, but I have AT&T on my phone and my first iPad, and I never had a problem with it at all, plus it's faster than Verizon. All of these things combined led me to take AlbiPad back to the Apple Store.

I found myself iPad-less again, but I was having fun constantly hunting for one at local Best Buys, Walmarts, Targets and the Lancaster Apple Store. It wasn't until the next weekend that my luck began to turn around again.

On Saturday I went to the Apple Store at 7:30am (the store opened at 8am.) I was about 20th in line and since they only had about 8 iPads in stock... I didn't get one.

The next day, on Sunday, I went back to the Apple Store, this time at around 6am. I ended up being 8th in line and by the time it came to my turn, the only iPads available were black 64GB wifi-only and white 32GB AT&T's... I refused the white model and although it wasn't 3G, I decided to buy the black 64 GB and named it 'Homie' (not only because it's black, but because it's wifi-only I'd mostly be using it at home.) I was pretty happy with my decision and justified that I really only used the 3G on my first iPad about 5 times, so I could make do without it.

It was less than a week later that I stumbled across a newly replenished stock of iPad 2's at a local Target. They had almost every model of iPad including the black 64GB AT&T and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally get the iPad I truly wanted. I bought it without hesitation and the same day I drove back to Lancaster to return Homie to the store.

This time, I am all set... My new iPad 2 (named 'SambiPad') was exactly what I wanted and I couldn't be happier with it. Unless something goes wrong with the device itself, SambiPad is all I'll need for a long while... or at least until iPad 3 comes out next year.

-- Posted from my iPad 2

Sunday, March 20, 2011

iPad 2 Update - The Hunt Begins Again

Well, I returned the white iPad 2 that I got last Saturday... I just couldn't get used to the color plus I started to find that the 32 gigs wasn't going to be sufficient for my needs. I was also leaning toward the AT&T model, but it seems to be hard to find so the Verizon will still work for me.

It has been a few days since I returned it and I am definitely missing the iPad from my life. Nothing to shed a tear over, but I certainly am realizing how much I used it now that I don't have it. This all leads to me going on another hunt for the iPad.

I have already placed an online order through Apple, but the delivery estimate is 4 weeks, which would be somewhere around April 27th... ouch. In the meantime, I have already started looking in local stores and if I manage to get my hands on one, I will just cancel my online order.

The trouble is finding this elusive iPad 2. No store around has any in stock and finding one will more than likely be dumb luck, plus with 18 different iPad 2 variations (wifi only, 3g, black, white, etc....) it will be almost a miracle if I happened to stumble upon the exact model I'm looking for. What's even worse is that a few of the component hardware pieces are made in Japan and with the recent tragedy happening there, manufacturing delays are expected sometime in the near future. Apple is also expected to be shipping to 20-something more countries beginning next week, which may limit supply even further.

I have even considered going on eBay and paying a little extra for the convenience, but so far people are wanting more than $250 over-cost and I'm only willing to do about half that... although desperation may take over and then, who knows...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

iPad... Finally

I was going to write a huge blog post, intricately detailing how I was waiting around the Apple Store for 3 hours on Saturday, and how I finally managed to obtain a brand new iPad 2, but I figured I would just say it.

Yes, I got an iPad 2... a White 32 GB 3G Verizon model to be exact. I was originally hunting a Black 64 GB 3G AT&T, but once the temptation was staring me in the face, I couldn't help it. They only had White Verizon 32 GBs and 16 GB wifi only models. I justified quickly in my head...

Verizon would be fine, I only use the 3G when on vacation and stuff. AT&T is supposedly much faster to use, although Verizon can more likely be used in areas where there is no AT&T coverage at all. The fact I wouldn't be using 3G much made this easy to swallow.

32 gigs is manageable, although I only had 4 gigs left in my original 64 GB iPad, it was filled with a lot of movies, tv shows and comic books which I didn't need to have on it anymore. In fact, having 32 gigs not only saved me $100, but it may help me focus on more functional apps and not have it cluttered with useless crap.

White... well, white was actually one of the harder justifications. Of course I had plenty of white iPods in my day, but I really liked the black iPods and then of course the iPhone and iPad were both black... it just seemed right. I figured if I really couldn't stand it, I would return the iPad within the 14 day return period, and either get the 64 GB Black or get a refund and wait until supplies are more readily available.

So that's pretty much it... I've had it for just a day now, so I'm still going through all the ins and outs before I give my full review, but I like it! The speed is noticeable in most aspects, and the form factor is much better, lighter and easier to grip (although still a little slippery on the back with these dry winter-hands.) The color is growing on me a little bit although I'm still not in love with it. I'm definitely having a lot of fun with it and hey, I just realized I didn't even mention the cameras. Well, they're OK... the actual camera quality sucks, but it's a cool concept... gotta find someone else with FaceTime.

Friday, March 11, 2011

iPad 2 Disappointment

6:15 a.m. - "ahh Friday..." I wake up, take a shower, and I'm feeling very excited about getting through work and running to the store to pick up a shiny new 64 GB 3G AT&T iPad 2. Although I can't get off of work earlier than 5:00 p.m. I'm very confident because so many different stores are selling it.

12:30 p.m. - Lunch time... I decide to drive around and plan my route for 5:00 p.m. Once I leave work I will go to the AT&T store first because it is the closest, if they don't have it I will spin around to Best Buy (about 10 minutes away)... if they don't have it, Target is in the same plaza... if they don't have it Walmart is 2 blocks away... if they don't have it another AT&T Store is about 30 minutes away... if they don't have it another Walmart is 10 more minutes away... if they don't have it... I'm fucked.

4:00 p.m. - I'm getting quite antsy... one hour remaining... I can't focus on work... I can't stop watching the clock slowly tick down.

4:45 p.m. - I'm cleaning my desk and getting everything ready for a quick exit. I talk to my co-worker and ask if there's anything I can help him with before I go, thankfully the answer was 'no.'

4:55 p.m. - Ugh... the phone rings... I have to talk to one of our drivers (I work at a trucking company,) and give him directions... I hurry through the directions and hang up with seconds to spare before it's time to run out of there.

5:01 p.m. - I finally slink away from my co-workers and head into a speed-walk toward my car... I throw my bag into the passenger seat, start up my car and I'm off like a flash.

5:09 p.m. - Arriving at the AT&T Store, which is in a mall-plaza, I notice that it is not extremely crowded and I see no line nor do I see anybody walking around with iPad boxes or even AT&T bags with large square boxes in them... This reassured me at first that there weren't many people interested in iPad 2, but now I have the horrible sensation that I might have missed it and in a sense it feels like a ghost town.

Going into the store, there is only one other customer there... very weird, I thought... I walk up to one of the clerks who is readily available and ask about the iPad 2... he tells me they only have one left, a white 16 GB model... For a split second I consider it, but I really want a 64 GB and I don't want a white version. I tell him 'no thanks,' and figure there will still be plenty at Best Buy and Target (I'm not very confident in Walmart.)

5:12 p.m. - I'm finally back on the road and ready to drive to Best Buy, which under normal conditions, is about 10 minutes away... Well I seem to be forgetting that it's rush hour, it's Friday, plus it's raining... traffic is freaking horrible. I decide on a back road which I'm figuring would get me away from all of this traffic but there must have been water flooding the road or something because it was stop-and-go almost the whole drive.

5:44 p.m. - I get to Best Buy... a 10 minute trip just took about 22 minutes and I'm getting pissed. I quickly park... it's crowded... I am worried now. I head into a quick-stride and enter the store, immediately asking the closest Blue-Shirt if there's any iPad's left. The Blue-Shirt uses his walkie talkie to ask if there were any left and is being told that there's only two 32 GB blacks left. My heart jumps... I quickly rationalize that I won't need 64 gigs... "Oh yea," I remember, "Are they 3G?" I ask. "No...wi-fi only." ...DAMNIT!!! I tell the Blue-Shirt that I'd hold out for a 3G and I quickly exit the store and jump back in my car.

5:51 p.m. - Target is a stone's throw away from Best Buy, so I park as fast as I can and run into the store, making a beeline toward the electronics department. I notice another man also hurrying toward electronics and he asks before I get there if there are any iPad 2's. I sort of heard the Red-Shirt say they were sold out, but my brain refuses to believe my ears so my mouth then takes over and asks again if there are any iPads. They just confirmed my worst fear that they are indeed sold out. I quickly turn around and walk down aisle after aisle heading toward the exit. Walmart is my next target (hehe)... but in the back of my mind, I am now fairly confident that I won't be getting an iPad today, the dread starts to take over my heart.

5:58 p.m. - Back in my car, I don't even start it, instead, I pull out my phone and do a quick search for the Walmart's phone number. Asking for the electronics department and upon hearing a cheery 'Hello!' I ask about iPad 2, and am being told that they are sold out. My heart definitely is sinking. I'm not really sure what to do now, I barely even want to try the other AT&T Store or Walmart... it seems pointless, I underestimated the Applephiles in my area, which actually does brighten my heart a bit, but amidst these events, there is not a smile in sight. I might as well start heading toward home.

6:23 p.m. - I will be near another Walmart soon and although I pretty much gave up hope, I figure there is a slim chance. I call up this Walmart and am being told that there is one left, a 32 GB white 3G. I thank the Wally-Worker and decide to go and get it, I will deal with just 32 gigs, and I will even deal with a white'll be OK, it's my only chance. Of course I forgot to ask which 3G carrier it is.

6:31 p.m. - I arrive at this Walmart and rush back to the electronics department, I head to the clerk and ask about the iPad... He says, yes there is a 32 gig white Verizon 3G left. Oh geez... not Verizon, I really didn't want Verizon and when he said that I'm also saying to myself that I don't really want white, and then I'm thinking that I want 64 gigs too, so I told him that I wasn't interested. I leave and this time I know it's over... it was not meant to be... not today anyway.

6:40 p.m. - I'm back home and I'm pretty emotional. I just drove all over 2 cities looking for an iPad and here I am, back at home with no iPad to be found (well except my original iPad.) I'm really feeling pissed but I think I will do whatever I can to do to get one tomorrow. I am going to call around and see if any stores get shipments tomorrow... there is also speculation that Best Buy will be putting them on shelves on Sunday, to tie-in with a Newspaper insert advertising them.

12:02 a.m. - OK, I spent a lot of my evening moping around and being upset, but I am deeply invested to driving an hour to Lancaster tomorrow to the closest Apple Store. I plan to go when they open, ask around and if they say a shipment is coming, I will wait. I have also got phone numbers of Best Buy, Target, Walmart and AT&T Stores in Lancaster. Tomorrow I will be calling places like crazy. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

iPad 2 Decision

Since last Wednesday's announcement of the iPad 2, I have been debating with myself if I would like to upgrade to the latest model or if I am content with my current iPad. There are pros and cons with the new iPad, and both sides of the battle have been fighting it out in my mind lately. Let's dive right in to what's right and wrong with the new iPad...


- The new processor, which is supposed to make the CPU 2x faster. There is no way this could be a negative, the speed increase is going to benefit all apps and overall experience.

- The new graphics card which amazingly makes the graphics 9x faster. The demo that was displayed at the press event highlighted a graphics intensive game that was running as smooth as silk. I imagine there will be some great games and apps released this year that will take full advantage of this upgrade... I can't wait.

- iOS 4.3 is bringing some great new features, including expanded Airplay features, and a restructured version of Safari that includes many improvements to the current version.

- The cameras were expected since the week after the first iPad was released and although they are pretty low-end cameras, it should become handy in terms of Facetime and when you need to quickly shoot a video and all you have is the iPad.

- It's the newest, coolest 'toy' available... there's almost no better 'Pro' than that.


- The redesigned look of iPad 2 is surprisingly making its' way to my 'Cons' list. The new look and the thinness are very nice but it makes my Apple Case useless, and it means I will have to buy a new case (and it certainly is NOT going to be a Smart Cover...ugh.) I hope Apple redesigns their original case or I'll have to wait for a third party case of equal functionality.

- Overall the changes aren't exactly revolutionary, and the original iPad will still be sufficient in most aspects for a long while.

- I will have to totally back-up and transfer files from my current iPad to the new iPad, which is a bit tedious and time consuming. Not exactly looking forward to that part.

- Ummm... that's about it actually.

With all things considered, I have indeed made a decision and I will announce right now that I AM going to dive in and purchase a brand new 64 GB, 3G iPad 2... I'm pretty sure I'll get an AT&T model, but that decision is still up in the air for now.

I will do my absolute best to get one on launch day (this upcoming Friday!) I don't get off of work until 5:00 p.m., but there is a Best Buy within a couple of miles of my work (and also a Walmart and an AT&T store.) They are all expected to be selling iPads on Friday, so my chances of getting one are pretty good.

My current iPad ("C3GPO") will be sold to my Mom, who recently bought one for herself, but was going to buy another one anyway because my Dad is actually the one who can barely part with it for more than a minute, he's totally hooked and by now he probably has a better score on Angry Birds than I do. Anyway, she loved playing with it whenever she had a chance and wanted to buy another one so she could actually use it... the timing was perfect.

I don't know if I'll post anything else this week, but I will definitely update this blog after Friday. I'll give you my purchase experience as well as a mini-review. See ya then.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

iPad 2 Revealed!

Yesterday was Apple's press event for the iPad 2, and as many had hoped, Steve Jobs did indeed take the stage to a thunderous standing ovation. His first announcement was about Apple's recent successes which included touting the high numbers of iTunes accounts, iPhones sold, iOS apps and number of iBooks sold. He also mentioned that Random House has come to an agreement with Apple and they will soon begin selling their books in the iBooks store.

After showing a video of how the iPad has inspired a nation by becoming integrated within such institutions as schools and in the medical profession, Jobs made the event official by introducing the iPad 2, which will go on sale next week on March 11.

The next generation iPad has been redesigned and upgraded in many aspects, most notably being thinner, faster, having front and rear cameras, and of course coming in black or white. Specifically, the thickness will be only 8.8mm, and 33% thinner than the first iPad. Instead of the A4 processor, Apple is using an A5 dual core processor which makes the CPU 2x faster and the graphics will be an amazing 9x faster. There hasn't been word of how much RAM will be included, but the hope is that there is at least 512MB.

The iPad 2 will supposedly have the same amazing battery life and be the same price as the original iPad. There will be 2 separate 3G models, one for AT&T and one for Verizon... it will also come in non-wifi versions.

As far as accessories, an HDMI video out attachment was shown, as well as the "Smart" Cover, which is a magnetic-connecting, front-only flap that covers the screen. I definitely do not see myself buying one of these because I think the colors of the polyurethan ones just suck, and the leather ones are too expensive. I also think the magnetic connectors would probably scratch the surface eventually, plus it really doesn't protect the iPad much at all if you would accidentally drop it. If I do end up buying an iPad 2, I will be hunting for a third party case that gives me the same functionality as the original Apple Case.

The event was not done yet... iOS 4.3 was the next announcement, and the free update which is going to be available on March 11 as well, will include home sharing, a rebuilt Safari with enhanced performance, and improvements to Air Play, which will now allow video streaming to an AppleTV from websites and third party apps. The iPhone 4 will also have the ability to be a personal hotspot.

The cameras were discussed and of course, FaceTime for the iPad made an appearance. They also demonstrated a highly advanced version of iMovie and Garage Band, and both turn the iPad into much more of a creative tool than just a 'media consumption' device. It appears that you could potentially make a full length movie on this thing, plus compose amazing songs.

All-in-all, I am slightly impressed with Apple's new iPad. I wasn't expecting much, so I'm not disappointed in the least. I think the speed boost, the cameras and the thinner design are worth an upgrade if you can afford it. Personally, I'm debating if I should get one. I'm not in perfect shape financially, so I would have to move some things around in order to get one, plus I am definitely content with my current iPad. Then again, I notice more and more how some web pages load really slow and think about the quickness of iPad 2... plus the mere fact that you own the newest 'toy' is half the fun of actually owning it.

We'll see... I'll keep you posted.