Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My TV Habits

Lost Update

So I plowed through every episode of every season of Lost, got caught up just in time to watch the last 3 episodes live and now the series is completely done.

My feeling is that it was a good series. Regarding the finale... it was definitely a polarizing episode, while it didn't wrap up all of Lost's mysteries, enough were answered and enough closure was given that makes me satisfied.

I think many people's expectations were set too high and when they weren't given what they expected, they were disappointed. I really try not to get high expectations anymore, and just try to be happy with what I'm given (in terms of things like TV shows, etc...) What else can you do, you have to just accept what the writers have written. I understand not liking it, but well... I dunno... I'm probably wrong... moving on...

The Office

This show has been increasingly disappointing in my view [maybe your expectations are too high]...(shut up!)... anyway... the show has turned from a documentary style filming of a wacky office which seemed slightly plausible, to a totally scripted looking and feeling sitcom with unbelievable premises and character actions.

Steve Carrell has announced that the next season will be his last and he expects the show to carry on without him. Sorry to say that I was losing interest in the show for the last 2 seasons anyway and if Steve Carrell leaves, it will be a deathblow to the series, at least in my household. R.I.P. to what was once a great show.

Big Brother

One of my all-time favorite reality shows is coming back on soon, next Thursday, July 8th to be exact, and I couldn't be happier. I don't have any info yet... no news on who the cast will be, no news on what changes to the rules or the house will be... I know nothing. I won't even be getting the live feeds this year because of financial reasons, but I'm still excited for the show to start.

True Blood

This show started up again a few weeks ago, and so far it's not doing that great of a job capturing my attention. The first two seasons were amazing, but 3 episodes into season 3 and I'm not feeling the same excitement.

I will admit that the most recent episode brought me back into the world a bit more, but overall this season is feeling a bit, blah. Crossing my fingers and hoping they get back on track with this series.

Other various shows that I have been watching include: Wipeout, Hell's Kitchen, Modern Family (which is over for the season,) Judge Judy, iCarly and Victorious... I have also been watching some older shows... Sopranos (again,) and old episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000... That's my television consumption in a nutshell.