Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New iPhone Blog Coming... NOW

I have decided to dedicate an entirely new blog to the iPhone and leave this blog for random thoughts, which was the original intention.

If you wanna read my personal experiences with my iPhone, apps, cases, etc... then check out my new blog cleverly titled "My iPhone Blog"... check it out!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

iGot an iPhone!!!

It's been a full week and a day that I've had my iPhone and so far... I absolutely hate it. I'm so upset that I got rid of my reliable, sturdy Motorola Z9 phone and bought into the hype of this magical "iPhone." I'm pretty sure it was that cute little jingle that they use on their commercials that sucked me in.

Anyway, I've been using the iPhone for a week now and have had nothing but problems and complaints. For one, the umm, there's that one thing that I... uh...well...for two... the uh, well... hmm...

Now that I think about it, I guess there are no complaints. In fact, after giving it a second thought, this is probably the greatest purchase I've ever made and I couldn't be happier with it. If I think about it even further, I gotta say that I don't know how I possibly lived prior to having an iPhone... life before just seems kind of foggy and dreary, but now life is vibrant and colorful.

Maybe I'm going a little far, but in all honesty, I really do love this phone... not just for the phone part of it (which I don't have any complaints about...yet) but everything this device can do is amazing, and of course all of the apps and the camera etc...etc...etc...

I could probably write a 20 page dissertation regarding the iPhone, but I will try to keep my thoughts short and sweet.

I've been using an iPod Touch for about a year now, so navigating through the iPhone was quite familiar... the only differences are the obvious ones... the phone, the camera and the voice memos (there's a couple others I think I'm forgetting,) but nonetheless there wasn't much of a learning curve at all.

The main thing I appreciate is the constant connectivity. If I had my iPod Touch and wanted to use an app that required an internet connection, I had to search for a wi-fi signal, but now I can use any app wherever I'm at.

Another great thing is that I'm steadily decreasing the number of other devices I need to carry. I no longer have to carry around a phone and an iPod... I just freed up a pants pocket and have no clue what to put in it now... hmm..

There are many other devices that this phone can take place of, including calculators, GPS units, notebooks, and much much much more. There are 85,000 + apps in the App Store and that alone makes this purchase worth it.

So far, so good... will keep you updated the more I learn.

Monday, October 12, 2009

iWant an iPhone Update #4

T-minus 2 hours and counting...

In approximately 2 hours, (give or take, because of traveling time and traffic,) I will finally have my hands on a brand spanking new iPhone 3G(S) 32 GB... I'm overwhelmed with joy. It's similar to the feeling that I once had before Christmas, or the night before we left for a family vacation to the beach... one of those giddy kind of kiddish 'butterflies in the stomach' feelings.

I was worried for a bit, because up until noon today, the AT&T website said I still wasn't eligible for an upgrade, but I checked the website again at around 12:15 p.m. and bada bing... it finally was giving me the upgrade prices... which is $299 for the iPhone I want... ($199 for the 16 GB, and I still might get that one instead, but I really want the 32GB, just so I have plenty of room for the future.)
We shall see...

Also, I ordered two iPhone cases already from eBay and will hopefully have those delivered to me by the end of the week. I ordered the Speck Candy Shell case (black and gray) and I ordered the Switcheasy Rebel case (black and black.) If I really like the Rebel, I'm thinking of getting the Rebel Serpent too, which has a scaled texture spine like a snake... really cool.

The other thing I'm looking into buying is the Mophie Juice Pack, which is like a case/battery pack that I can attach to the phone if the battery is running low. According to reviews, the extra battery should supply about 2 1/2 full charges to the phone, which (depending on usage) should mean I could have my phone charged for about 3 or 4 days without ever plugging it in to a socket. Could come in handy if I ever go out camping... as if...

The iPhone has been in my mind all morning, and I've barely done a lick of work because I'm too anxious to think straight. I keep looking up iPhone app reviews and reading forums and finding tips & tricks, and calculating expenditures and messing with my old phone and, and, and... well pretty much all day has been officially... iPhone Day!!

If for whatever reason I can't get my phone tonight, I will be very upset, but also will have to designate tomorrow as iPhone Day... Let's just all pray that I get it tonight... hey... i don't hear you praying over there... yea you... Pray!! NOW!! Ok, Peace!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

iWant an iPhone Update #3

OK, the countdown has begun... what?! My Wedding? Oh yea, there's that too, but I'm actually referring to me buying my very first iPhone.

I figured I would update you on my iPhone saga as there is a new development... in a mere 2 weeks, my current AT&T contract will expire and I will be eligible for an upgrade and a reduced price for a new phone, and the new phone I'm after is, of course, the iPhone 3G(S).

October 12 is the target date... it's actually Columbus Day too, which is fitting because just like good ol' Chris... I will be discovering some new worlds myself. I can't friggin' wait.

I am not totally foreign to the iPhone experience, I currently own an iPod Touch 8GB and couldn't be happier with it. The only thing that would make the iPod Touch better would be more memory (like say, 32 GB,) a quicker processor, and maybe add on a phone and camera... Oh wait, that is the iPhone, isn't it... hehehe.

It's so close I can practically taste it... will keep you updated.