Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Comcast Rant

This is all my fault, it really is... Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, shame on me... Fool me a bunch of times... I'm just an idiot. Comcast has been a thorn in my side since I got it, and it doesn't appear that things are getting any better... the real question is why I don't get rid of it, and I don't have a great answer for that, other than laziness.

The focus of my rant today is this 'New Comcast Experience... Xfinity... new Channels, etc, etc...' Comcast is offering major 'upgrades' to it's service and channels, but once again, I'm getting screwed by them because of it.

First, Comcast announced that it is making changes to the channels... basically, if you don't have a digital box hooked up, you will be losing more than a half of the channels you currently receive.

In the past, if you have a TV with no digital box... you can hook it up directly to the cable and instantly have channels 2-77 (approximately.) With the new changes, you will only have channels 2-20. They are taking away more than 50 channels. Thanks a lot Comcast.

Their solution is to provide free digital boxes for the TV's that don't already have a box. Sounds OK... but No, it's not. They will only provide 2 free boxes (any more than that and they charge you more per/month.) I currently have 3 TV's that aren't hooked up to a box, so 1 of those will have to go without any good channels (I sure as fuck am not going to pay more money per month.)

The second problem with these boxes, they are another bulky device that I have to hook up and they have tons of new wires and a new controller. One of our most watched TVs in the house is the kitchen TV, but I don't have any room for a box in there, nor do I want wires hanging all over the place in the kitchen. Thanks again Comcast.

Overall, it's a bunch of crap. I understand they wish to look to the future and upgrade everything (which they need to do just to compete with other services/devices that have leapfrogged them,) but I'm getting screwed once again.

I say it time and time again, but this really may be the final straw and when next Football Season comes around, I hope that I wise up and jump back on the DirecTV bandwagon, where I have never had as many issues as Comcast has given me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Domino's 'New' Pizza

This is a bunch of bullshit.

Domino's recently started an ad campaign that goes into the fact that customers hate their pizza, hate their crust and hate their sauce and so now they are starting from scratch and reinventing the way their pizza is made with a garlic crust and better cheese and bunch of other better shit.

First off, I must admit that I have not tried Domino's new recipe yet... I actually haven't eaten Domino's pizza at all since I was just a little kid, so I don't remember how it used to taste anyway. What I've heard, however, is that the new pizza isn't really that good either. I've actually heard that their new recipe tastes strikingly similar to Pappa John's pizza.

Which leads me to believe that they may have changed a few things in the recipe, but the biggest thing they are doing is creating a new ad campaign which gets people talking and gets business back in for at least a 'taste' of the new pizza, which will in turn cause a nice little surge in business before they start losing business again and eventually have to shut down.

My question is this... Why are you eating Domino's anyway?! This is America and there is a local pizza shop in every town in every city, and if not just one shop then dozens... one on every corner just about.

Please support your local pizza shops because they are a hell of a lot better than anything that Pizza Hut, Dominos or Pappa John's can dish out. The only pizza chain that I will even recognize is Grotto's Pizza, which is a small chain in the Delaware area... all else can get the Bozack!

Keep it Real!!

Comcast Sucks... but then, Doesn't Suck...

Comcast has been a thorn in my side since I got it installed. At first it was the whole ordeal with the NFL network being on a pay per view sports tier, then there was a long delay before our area got the NFL Redzone Channel in HD. This isn't even mentioning the fact that the guide is full of ads and offers a less-than-impressive experience.

The latest problem was with my HD DVR box, which started acting funny last weekend and displayed all local channels as 'To Be Announced,' on the guide. This usually happens if there is a power outage and the DVR box needs to re-download all of the program names. Unfortunately, it was only happening to the local channels and rebooting the system only caused ALL channels to display 'To Be Announced.'

Shortly after the guide problems, the DVR just shut off without warning. I unplugged it and plugged it back in... it started back up... for about 3 minutes and then it shut off again. After that I could not get the box to react at all. No matter what I did, this box was bricked and there was nothing I could do.

I seriously contemplated canceling my service, but figured I'd give them one last chance... I contacted Comcast Customer Service and (eventually) they set up a new box for me and so I went out to the Comcast store to pick it up.

I was expecting them to replace the same DVR Box that I was using, but when I brought in my DVR they handed back a brand new model, which I thought was pretty cool. I got home, hooked it up, called up the activation number and BOOM, it was working...yay! It even downloaded all of the programs within an hour, much quicker than my previous box ever did.

I have to say, I am really liking the new DVR and it's made having Comcast cable a little bit better. It seems more responsive, it has more storage capacity and overall it seems to eliminate some of the minor problems I've been dealing with using the previous box. There are still annoying ads in the guide but other than that, I am really liking it. Turned out to be one of my first 'Good' Comcast experiences.