Monday, July 20, 2020

WTF Happened?!

Man, I just so happen to neglect posting anything for the last 4 months, which have probably been the most significant, crazy, frantic, upsetting, and weird 4 months in history, and I think it literally kicked off only a day or 2 after my last post back in March. Suspicious Much?!

But seriously... to put it briefly... the whole world went into a Covid Panic, shut down pretty much EVERYTHING, ordered lock downs, closed businesses, ordered 'mask mandates'... basically a bunch of Bullshit... we're being lied to left and right about how bad the "virus" is, the case numbers, the death numbers... a lot of governors (democratic governors) in some state including our own commie Tom Wolf and Mr. Levine actually went against orders and flooded nursing homes with covid infected patients, which accounts for a large percentage of the deaths thus far... the whole thing has been a Shamdemic and we're being royally screwed by orders, rules, mandates, etc... that are slowly chipping away at our freedoms.

Many of us feel this is a last ditch effort to not only start conditioning and ushering in some NWO shit, but coincidentally enough this all is happening during an election year, of one of the most polarizing and attacked Presidents in history... I don't think it's a coincident at...all...

So that's been happening... which has already been fuckin' up what would have been a good summer...

Other than that though, we are doing great at the new house, still getting some things set up and done, but all in all, the move was a success, and we couldn't be happier to be where we're at! Oh also due to this plandemic bullshit, there was a couple months I was working from home, which was phenomenal... one of the only good things to come out of this virus scare, but alas, they have asked me to come back into the office... for now... so that's happening. Ugh, oh well...

Also... still doing good with the podcast... we're up to episode 22 now, we've had all three hosts come on and be guests, as well as the host of the Horrible Gamers podcast, and a bunch of other people... good times, good shit, we're getting the hang of it more and more with each episode!

So that stuff is going good... speaking of gaming, have been jumping back into the VR a bit more again lately, there are rumors of Oculus ramping up production on a new headset, but no new details as of yet... speculation says it might be an upgraded Quest... a Quest-S or something... I'll probably get

I don't think there's too much more beyond all that, this virus thing is really just messing up life right now, and it's all bullshit and there's too many sheep who just go along with everything with no questions asked... it's very sad, but I believe a secret war is still ongoing and my fingers are crossed that righteousness will still conquer all. We shall see...

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